Reaching boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Children's Sunday School Classes
2-3 years
4 years - Kindergarten
1st - 3rd Grade
4th - 6th Grade
Sunday 10:30 A.M.
Ministering to Children
Every Sunday morning at 10:30, something wonderful is lined up for the children ages 4 - 6th Grade. We have three separate programs that are geared towards these different age groups. Pastor's Pals is for children 4-5 years of age. For children from 1st through 3rd grade we have the exciting program called Kidz 4 Christ. Children who are 4th through 6th grade are welcomed to join Stepping Stones. Our NTBC Kids program is intended not to just watch your children during Sunday service but also to teach them God's Word and help them develop a strong relationship with Christ. Our children's programs are fun, exciting times to worship God, play games, learn lessons from the Bible, and develop a love for God.
Pastor's Pals
Kidz 4 Christ
1st- 3rd Grade
Stepping Stones
4th -6th Grade
Summer Programs
Our summer program changes from year to year and is an exciting summertime event where children are participating in activities to help them grow in their relationship with Christ. This is a great program that runs Wednesday nights from 6:45-8:00 pm.
Check out the Kidz 4 Christ E-newsletter to keep "up to date" with this exciting ministry:
AWANA Wednesdays (August - May) 6:45 - 8:15 P.M.
"Because Kids Matter to God"
This ministry is one of the highlights of our children's program at New Testament Baptist Church for children 2 years old through 6th grade. Each age group has a curriculum that is learning specific to their level, in addition to game time, scripture memory and Bible lessons. Recognition is given to encourage that children take an active role in learning Christ-like behavior.